free Webinar with Debora Karsch
4 Ways to greater resilience
Know your inner strength. Get to know yourself better. How strong is your current resilience already developed and what can you do to promote it?
Ready to gain more peace of mind with your inner strength?
Life deals us all different cards: We are born into different circumstances. We grow up differently. We have different experiences in the course of our lives. Whether or not we take a more rocky road is often beyond our control. What is within our control: How we play the cards life deals us. To help you play your cards in such a way that you feel equipped to face a challenge when it comes, we offer this free webinar. Here you can test and strengthen your resilience to more easily overcome unexpected challenges in the future.
About persolog: We are an Academy and a Publishing House
We want to develop organizations through people. That's why we certify trainers, coaches, entrepreneurs and executives to work with our learning tools around the topic of social competence and personal development. Furthermore we support trainers in making the leap into the digital training world. Our vision is for people to understand themselves and others even better, to focus on their strengths and to develop themselves further - regardless of the format.
Every day, over 40 brilliant people develop tools and seminars to support people in their personal development, together with trainers, coaches and entrepreneurs. This is how we help companies to be successful.
Debora Karsch
I'm looking forward to meeting you in person during the webinar and sharing my experiences with you.
We are there for you
Do you have questions about the webinar or registration?
Then please contact us and arrange a consultation. Our sales team will be happy to support you with any uncertainties and questions!